
Hero Shirts, Gowns, Uniforms for your pet!


Make your pet happy with toys to choose from.


Pet needs to be healthy, choose from dental, grooming, and daily care for your pet.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Welcome to Kami and Pets.

Pets are amazing. For those who have never experienced the joy of having a pet they truly are missing out on a unique brand of love. At Kami and Pets our love for pets is boundless and we’re looking to share that love with pet owners everywhere. Pets all have specific needs, and we cater to those needs, whether your pet is mundane or exotic.
Pets provide many benefits including social support, stress relief, exercise, and other health benefits.

One of the greatest things about pets is that they provide unconditional love. They are there to listen but they never judge you. In fact a recent study found that nursing home residents felt less lonely when visited regularly by a dog then with regular visits from a person! Pets are also great for social networking. People are more likely to approach and ask questions to a person walking their pet.

For stress relief, pets have a remarkable effect on their owners. Women who suffered from anxiety were three times less likely to have an attack when their dog or cat was present. Pets actually reduce blood pressure. ACE inhibitors (the medication taken for elevated blood pressure) are not as effective on stress and anxiety related spikes in blood pressure as pets are.

With all the positive aspects of owning a pet it’s easy to forget that a pet comes with a certain degree of work and responsibility. Taking care of a pet means the owner must have some time available for their care. Pets need food, shelter, health care, and stimulation.

An owner can’t expect to buy a dog, stick it in a kennel in the backyard, and forget about him. Interaction with the animal is where all the benefits come from and the animal will lead a miserable life if they don’t receive the love and stimulation they crave. That’s where comes in. We have the food, toys, habitats, and supplies that will ensure that your pets lead a life worthy of the joy they bring into yours.

Like children, homes must also be safe guarded for pets. Pets of all kinds should be kept away from chemicals. Most people know that dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate, but did you know that fumes from Teflon pans can kill birds? Or that the Ph balance on a fish tank needs to be tested weekly? And those are just the beginning of what you should know about pet safety. Our learning center has a plethora of information about pet ownership that’s designed with the new pet owner in mind; so go check it out!

Whether it’s a traditional dog or cat or a more exotic pet like a chinchilla, pets bring joy to our lives. For some a companion can be found in a bird or a horse, for others an iguana may do the trick. It’s important to know how to care for the animal and what supplies are needed before bringing them home. But once the pet is home and comfortable the whole family will have a new friend!